
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Traditions

Growing up my grandparents had a farm and each year my grandmother would host an extremely intricate Easter Egg Hunt. She would hide plastic eggs throughout the yard, each containing a different type of treat, as well as individual baskets for both the grand-kids and adults. As a kid these hunts were legendary, easily used to make the other kids at school jealous, and to this day are still a highlight of my childhood.

The rules were simple, in the first round all the grand-kids were allowed to look for their baskets. Nothing else was to be touched. Once they were found, the kids became preoccupied while the adults took part in round two and hunted for baskets of their own. Once this was complete the real fun began as each grand-kid, in a mad dash, collected the plastic eggs - two of each colour. Depending on the colour, the egg could contain a chocolate candy, small toy, or perhaps a loonie or twonie* (if you were really lucky!). The final step in this Easter extravaganza was a no holds barred, fight to the death, mad dash to collect miniature solid chocolate eggs (those little ones wrapped in foil) that my grandmother scattered over a section of the yard that once was a putting green while everyone was distracted hunting for treats. We would run around the grass, violently grabbing as many eggs as possible until all were collected. Pockets, aprons, and hats immediately became receptacles for the little chocolate treats and the dogs, somehow knowing this was about to happen, tried to grab an egg or two only to be shooed away. When the dust settled there was always at least one child in tears because they didn't get as many eggs as everyone else. The funny thing is, there was so much chocolate no one alone could have consumed it all - except my dad, he's got quite the sweet tooth.

I had three cousins at the time, as well as my brother, and we would all get dressed up in lovely Easter dresses (my brother in a vest and tie) - then we would run around on the grass and walk away stained and streaked with dirt. No one paid much attention to how dirty we got and after all the running around everyone was more than ready to sit down to a wonderful meal.

Once we were older the Easter Egg Hunts slowly died off - It's unfortunate that my younger cousins missed out on this lovely little tradition. Although the intricate hunts of my childhood are over it doesn't mean the fun has completely disappeared. We've recently adopted a new tradition with my Dad's wife; an adult themed hunt for bottles of beer, vodka coolers, and chocolate. It seems that Cadbury eggs are enjoyed by all ages.

It's lovely to have an Easter tradition, even though they will evolve and change with your family. I'm looking forward to bringing back my grandmother's extravagant Easter hunt once I have kids (or nieces and nephews!) of my own.

I've also seen a glow in the dark style Easter Egg Hunt online using plastic eggs and little glow sticks that would be fabulous fun for my twenty-something friends.

Happy Easter,

*Yes this is what we call our dollar and two dollar coins in Canada - it's adorable not ridiculous and more environmentally friendly than paper bills.

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