
Monday, June 10, 2013

Writer's Block

On this sunny Monday morning I find myself with the day off from work and very little crowding my to-do list. After a shower and a few minutes distraction provided by various morning news programs on television, a little voice in my head begins nagging at me to write. It's been a month since my last post, and although I've accumulated some new muffin recipes worth sharing, and could brag about the successes of my first attempt at growing a vegetables garden (the lettuce is ready to eat already!), I just can't bring myself to do the work. Getting the words down, while making smart and cool pop-culture references and funny quips, bringing the piece together in a neatly tied package, is daunting to me today - a feeling that's been growing over the last month.

It's not that I haven't been writing, on our Travel Blog my boyfriend and I recently put out a four week series detailing every aspect of our budgeting process, and announced another long-term trip we will be embarking on this fall. However those pieces border on clinical, a far cry from the fun or funny. While I struggle to get words, any words, down in blog form, I can't help but think back to the fall, when we explored Europe's winding streets and ancient sites by day and wrote about them, at length, by night - every night. Exhausted from walking all day, we somehow managed to write, edit photos, and keep up with social media, on a daily basis.

Now home, with excess time on our hands and an array of comfortable locales from which to settle in and write, the words have dissipated and I find myself perched in front of the computer staring at an empty screen, unable to string together anything worth sharing. Perhaps the issue is not one of time or accessibility, but a lack of inspiration. Without that burning desire to share what I've been up to in the kitchen, or pride in a recent DIY project, the words have dried up. 

The passion will return, this isn't my first dry spell and will unlikely be my last, however there is something truly frustrating about losing the desire the moment you give it your full attention. While working part-time this summer, I have the rare opportunity to spend copious amounts of time doing what I love, and instead I find myself parked in front of Breakfast Television, cringing at the awkward interviews. 

While I work to find my way back to writing, here's some wonderful Monday Morning inspiration to start the week off right, courtesy of my Pinterest addiction...

Spring blooms in colourful glass bottles (via)

Mix and match patterned pillows for the perfect outdoor seating (via)

Buttery and soft sugar cookie sandwiches on charming china (via)

White on white with hints of blue (via)

Poolside hit of pink (via)

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